Babymetal - Metal Resistance

BABYMETAL - Metal Resistance

Two years ago, avid YouTube trawlers stumbled on the oddity of Babymetal’s ‘Gimme Chocolate!!’, a divisive track that put three adorable Japanese teenage girls onstage with a metal band.

Now they’re touring with Lady Gaga, dropping in on Dragonforce sets, and believe it or not, releasing one of the most fun pop-metal albums of recent memory. Keen ears will pick up the solo from Dragonforce’s ‘Through The Fire And Flames’ kicking the record off – it might seem like a rip-off, but who cares? Lyrics worthy of Sonata Arctica give way to bubblegum chants of “Wow wow wow wow” and asking why would be missing the point.

Translating their lyrics reveals an array of adolescent quandaries, among them overcoming hurt (‘No Rain, No Rainbow’) and dealing with self-involved teenage boys (‘Sis. Anger’). More often than not, these tiny teens are encouraging their listeners to stand up, be proud of who they are, and fight on despite all odds. The music itself is heavily produced pop-power-metal excellence, with everything from hilarious call-and-response chants/screams to bone-crushing riffage and the year’s best cowbell drop (‘GJ!’), all with blast beats in tow.

Babymetal say life is a mosh pit. Stop asking questions and dive the fuck in.


Babymetal's Metal Resistance is out now through RAL/Sony.


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