M83 - Junk

M83 - Junk

As nostalgia continues to overwhelm every artistic medium, even the most forward-thinking musicians prove they are not immune.

French awe-inspirers M83 are back with their first studio album in five years and brand new musicians in tow, both of whom make strong contributions to a record themed around old-fashioned TV shows.

New vocalist Kaela Sinclair makes her presence known in the stunning balladry of ‘For The Kids’, and Jordan Lawlor showcases his writing and singing chops in the groovy ‘Walkway Blues’.

Junk’s borderline vaporwave sounds conjure the fuzzy idealism of ’80s television with great charm, but the buzz doesn’t last the runtime and never quite reaches the dazzling heights of Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming.

Still, the album certainly has those quintessential M83 moments – when the muffled soundtrack of ‘The Wizard’ opens out into gorgeous, crystalline dream-pop, we’re reminded of the wonders the group can create.

Junk is far from trash, but Anthony Gonzalez and co. have uncovered more captivating treasures in the past. This offering is best regarded as dessert – it’s groovy, gooey, sugary fun.


M83's Junk is out now through Pod/Inertia.


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