Emmy The Great - Second Love

EMMY THE GREAT - Second Love

British indie darling Emma-Lee Moss, AKA Emmy The Great, shines in her newest release, something of a spiritual successor to the album that first began her journey, First Love.

Embracing synthesizer soundscapes was a fitting move: the lush guitar wash of ‘Swimming Pool’ is just the tip of the iceberg, and the crystalline production frequently enhances Moss’ emotional songwriting. ‘Hyperlink’ is where her lyrical prowess truly proves itself – it seems at first to be a tired lament about cafes where everyone stares at their phones, until she offers the solution: “Take me walking through the streets/Tell me all your broken dreams”.

As the title suggests, there’s a warmth and maturity to the songwriting – Moss’ second love is formed by experience, and it sounds more confident, if always ever so slightly wary.

From the chilled laptop beats of ‘Dance W Me’ to the heartbreaking quietus of ‘Lost In You’, Moss shows an endearing honesty and willingness to experiment with texture. Consistency does mean that there’s little that’s truly groundbreaking in the album, but the pleasant sincerity is enough of a draw even for casual listeners.

Emmy The Great’s third album shows that we’re better for painful lessons learned, and provides evidence for growth beyond the hurt.


Emmy The Great's Second Love is out now through Bella Union.


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